Monday, July 27, 2009

Welcome to our Blog

Hi everyone, we are getting ready to leave on August 3rd for 2 weeks in Europ. Our plan is to travel to the following cities:

Detroit to Frankfurt - NWA

Frankfurt - Munich - Train

Munich - Garmisch Germany

Garmisch - Venice, Italy

Venice to Florence

Florence to Sienna

Sienna to Rome

Rome to Monterosso

Monterossso to Paris

Paris to Frankfurt

Frankfurt to Detroit - NWA (August 16th)

Clearly we are going to be on the move so for this trip we are going to try posting to this blog via Tony's blackberry instead of a computer. If we do get to a computer we will upload photos to our Picassa Picture Album at:

We hope that this will allow us to capture the more details about our trip.

See you back here in a week!

Auf wiedersehen, Ciao, Au revoir

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