Sunday, February 21, 2010

Goodbye Maui

Aloha, today is our last day in Maui. We got up and headed straight for the beach. We played in the sand, caught some waves on the boogie board and played paddle ball until about 11 am. We then headed to the pool to soak in our final hour of rays. We were pretty much packed so we just had to shower, change and check out. We grabbed some lunch downstairs at Cafe Ciao and then boarded the shuttle for the airport. We checked in and then stood in the security line for over 30 mins. We went straight to our gate and our plane was ready for us. Tony checked his email before we boarded and he had a message from the McVady's that said Chicago was under a winter advisory and are expecting 6-10 inches of snow. We were hoping to bring some sun back with us but it looks like that won't happen. We are excited to come home and share our stories from our trip with all of you.

Ma Halo

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