Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Maui Day 5 Surfing and Lahina

We started out with a morning workout then the plan was to hang out at the pool and relax. After Tony's workout he found us at the pool and said Buzzy Kerbox (famous retired surfer) called and said surfs up. So we ended up meeting Buzzy at mile marker 12 in Lahina. Buzzy gave us a land lesson then took the kids into the ocean. John and Gina were trying to paddel out but the wind was pretty strong. Buzzy at one point decided to pull the kids out together. This was impressive. Buzzy had his board, John had a board and Gina had a board. So that would be at least 140 extra pounds he was pulling through the ocean on a very windy day. After one or two tries he decided to take them one at a time. John and Gina both got up and were surfing. He then took the kids out one at a time tandem on his board to give them extra coaching. By the time he was done with the kids Buzzy was tired. He worked with the kids for about 2 hours. Buzzy said that he would take Tony and I out tomorrow.

It was about 2 PM at this point and we needed to get some lunch. We headed into Lahina to get lunch. We had lunch at Kimo's. This was Buzzy's suggestion. I had fish tacos, Tony had a fish sandwich, Gina had a cheese burger, and John had ribs. The food was good. We shopped around Lahina for the rest of the afternoon. We found pleanty of surf shops. We walked by a gelato shop the kids really wanted gelato...yum passion fruit and big island crunch.

Time to head back to the Fairmont. One last SAP gig. The kids had dinner on their own and we attended the Aloha party.
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