Monday, February 15, 2010

Maui Day 3

Today we slept in until 6:30! We didn't have anything planned until 10:00 so we had time for breakfast, some soccer on the beach and a quick swim. We boarded a shuttle to drive us up 4000 feet up haleakala (volcaneo) to the horse stables. It was cold up there and the staff gave all of us coats to wear because we were all somewhat underdressed. The staff selected a horse for each of us and we were off to the trail. The trail started through a eucalyptus forest. From the forest we came out unto a open space that overlooked the north and southsides of the island. After taking some pictures we headed back to the stable through the same forest. The shuttle took us back to our hotel and we then changed and headed to the pool for a few cocktails with one of Tony's co workers. After that we showered and grabbed a early dinner at Wok Star and had some excellent Chinese food! After dinner we dropped of the kids at a kids camp and we headed to the Bon Jovi concert. More to come on Bon Jovi later.

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