Sunday, February 21, 2010

Maui Day 9

Updated photos:

Our last full day on Maui was today. All of us slept in until about 7:30 and then headed to the beach. We played at the beach for a while and then Tony had to take the rental car back to the Marriott. Once he returned we spent a a little time poolside before heading up to the room to change into some dry clothes. We then caught a taxi from our hotel to the Kihei celebration of the whales. The Pacific Whale Foundation sponsored the event at Koloma Park on the beach (near the skatepark) and they had a stage set up with live bands, food vendors and people selling their homemade products. We stopped by the Pacific Whale Foundation booth and got some information about the whales and bought a few things to support the cause. Afterwards we wandered around looking at all the interesting arts and crafts. They had a maze set up that had whale curtain made of 32,000 oragami whales.

After a couple hours we headed across the street for a light bite and a couple of bikini bottom brews. There was a live singer and hula dancer that eventually got Gina and Shelly up on stage to hula. We all had a few laughs before heading back to the hotel. Once we go back we headed to the coy ponds to see if we could spot some toads. The kids saw several of these large and loud toads. The were first a little scared but eventually they were petting them and almost picking them up. We had some laughs watching the toads trying to avoid the kids.

We went back to the room, packed a little and watch speed skating and bobsledding before calling it a night. It was a fun last day! Tomorrow we get a 1/2 day at the beach and then its off to the airport. Until then...Aloha (goodbye)Posted by Picasa

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