Thursday, August 6, 2009

Austria & Italian Alps

We decided to get up early and leave Munich for Venice. Our original thought was to go to Garmisch but we are excited to get to Italy and Venice. We had a little something to eat at the station before jumping on the train. At this point we have gone through Austria with a brief stop in Innsbruck and we are now in Fortezza, Italy. All of us are in awe of the Alps! One thing about traveling by train is that it is difficult to take a picture (see photo) even though the scenery is amazing. What is difficult to capture are the valleys, mountains' rivers, vineyards and hamlets.

We decided to get something more to eat and the kids had muffins and we had a euro breakfast including breads and spreads. The guy at the dining car helped us with all of our items. Back in our car there is a seating area that has a table that folds out so we dined there. Hopefully this will hold us over until we get to Venice. After our little snack we played some games with the kids however they were a little "slap happy" so we went back to our seats. Despite the kids wackiness they are actually holding up really well.

Back at our seats the ticket collector checked our tickets and determined that we didn't have a reservation so he made us pay 16 €. He gave us the same price that we would have paid at the station and did not charge us for the kids. We learned that you have to pay when traveling "international" or between countries. Shortly there after we had to change trains in Bolozano and catch a train to Verona. This train was much smaller than the other train we were on but we all found a seat. Now everyone is reading their books to pass the time...except me obviously.

Our next stop we will have to catch the train from Verona to Venice (track 4). We are getting more and more excited as we roll down the tracks! We will send another update once we get to Venice.

Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

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