Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Beach & Hiking

This morning we went down to the beach and purchased 4 chairs and a umbrella for the day. This set us back 40€ but it was worth it for a spot on the beach and some shade. We set up camp and the kids played in the water the entire time on a couple of blow up rafts that we bought. Gina suit was loose yesterday and sort of rubbed her wrong so she decided to go euro...aka topless. Gina didn't care and either did anyone else. The water was perfect and all of us caught rays on the rafts. Tony decided to go shopping for some lunch stuff and bought some fresh fruit from a truck that was unloading just outside of town. We had pears, yellow plums, grapes with seeds and huge banana's. He also got 2 sandwiches in town; one salami and cheese and another with turkey and cheese both on foccacia. They were soooo good. After lunch we hung out a little longer before packing up around 3 pm.

We left the beach and picked up a couple of items for our hike. We decided to do the toughest leg of the 5 town hike which is also the most scenic. The trail was tough (1 1/2 hrs) but it was worth it because the views of Monterosso and Venazza were incredible. The views were so overwhelming and we were so tired that I forgot to get a picture with my phone but Shelly was "ripping film" so we will have lots to share later. We all worked really hard but I think Gina worked the hardest she said "she never worked so hard".

We instantly fell in love with Vernazza! We asked a couple sitting near the beach for a recommendation for pizza. We stopped to the shop "5 doors down" from the beach. We ordered margharita, red sauce with pesto, 4 cheese pizza and a couple cold beers. We finished dinner, checked the train schedule and shopped around before boarding the short ride back to Monterosso (1 stop) Once we got back we noticed a few kids playing soccer and John decided to join them. They were really friendly and Tony sat and watched while the girls cleaned up back at the room. The sun is setting on another beautiful day in the Cinqua Terra. We have to check out by 11 tomorrow but we have a night train to Paris so we will have a interesting day tomorrow afternoon...Until the Ciao!

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