Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Munich Bike Tour

Today after a hardy breakfast with Bavarian sausages we took the underground train back to Marienplatz to the old town tower to join up with Mike's Bike tour. All of us got our bike's and headed off for a day of seeing the sites around Munich. The kids liked the English Garden's the Chinesischer Turm beer garden (more beer and more sausage) and the Izar River surfers. After the tour we went to the Karlsplatz to check out a Toy store where we found a few treasures. Later we took a short train ride to Maxmillian Str. to check out how the other half lived. We stopped at the Brenner grill (no sausage) for dinner and discussed if we should go to the Bavarian Alps or go straight to Venice. We are leaning toward skipping the Alps.

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