Saturday, August 15, 2009

Eiffel Tower

Today we had arranged a wake up call for 6:30 am and when the phone rang Tony picked up what he thought was the receiver and said "hello" but the phone kept ringing. That was when he realized he was talking into the remote control. We left the hotel and caught a cab passed the Arch de Triumph to the Eiffel tower. We were there early and were one of the first to go up into the tower. The ride and the views were amazing. We took lots of pictures and bought a couple souvenirs.

We left the tower and headed toward the Musee Rodin to see "The Thinker". We stopped along the way and had breakfast a sidewalk cafe and ordered some coffee, baguette and eggs. After breakfast we found the Museum Rodin and checked out some of his impressive sculptures. After the Museum we caught a cab back to the hotel to pack and check out. More to come later
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