Sunday, August 9, 2009


Sunday Morning. We got up early and went to the train station in Florence. We had to reserve seats prior to boarding and we got help from another traveler who showed us how to work the automated machine. We arrived the Rome station 1 1/2 later and reserved out seats for Monterosso for Tuesday. We felt like we were getting the hang of train travel. We walked down into the subway and bought 4€ worth of tickets and rode the subway to the colosseum stop. Before we exited the train station we made the kids promise they wouldn't pee their pants. They asked why but then as we exited the station they stopped in their tracks and their jaws dropped as they were looking right at the colosseum. From there we walked to the Hotel Lancelot. As we were walking behind the kids pulling their bags and carrying their backpacks we told them they were becoming "road warriors". We checked into our hotel, made a few freshened up " like you do" when you travel by train and set off for lunch. We were pretty hungry since we did have breakfast. We opted to go to Le Naunachie where we ate with Dom and Peggy 3 years ago. We had moz and arugula, ricotta and tomato's with honey' roasted veggies with breadcrumbs, pizza margharita french fries (some one else had them and they looked good) and of course Vino. (Are you beginning to see a pattern?). We are going to try to avoid the heat this afternoon and rally for a early evening tour of the sites. We are also considering dinner at the Lancelot later which sounds like Family/King Lancelot style. We will keep you posted. Until then...ciao.
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