Monday, August 10, 2009

St. Peters

We arrived St. Peters and there looked to be a long line but it actually moved fast at least the kids thought so. We entered the Cathedral and the kids comment right away on how huge it was. It was a sunny day so light was streaming into the Cathedral which made it look different than the last time we were there. We immediately hit the high points including The Pieta, St Peter statue and feet, the crusafixion site and the canopy over St. Peters Grave, St. Peters Throne. We decided to attend the Mass that was scheduled for 5pm. We decided to take the occasion for Gina to make her first communion which was exciting for everyone. We finished the visit by looking at a few more statues and mosaics before wrapping things up with a walk past all of the other Cathedrals that are shown on the center isle. We headed out to St. Peter's square and took a few pictures in from of the fountains. It was still hot out as we walked over to the taxi area and we were all thirsty. The kids got water and we bought a couple of Peroni you do when visiting St. Peters. We had a toast to Gina and caught a ride to the Pantheon, which was still open! We looked around inside, took a few good photos and left for dinner. We stopped at a place that was recommended by Rick Steves but it was only ok. We did however feel that the buffalo mozz was the best we ever had. After dinner we headed home to The Lanelot and ended up stopping for our last gelato in Rome. All of us agreed that we needed to stop for a few minutes anyway since our feet are pretty tired. Once we arrived our hotel we requested a 6 am wake up call since we depart Rome tomorrow for Cinqua Terra. One quick note The Lancelot has worked out great...again. We got up to our rooms took showers and packed up for our 8am train. Looking back on our time in Rome its been good visit. The kids opinion is that there are a lot of interesting things to see. That's good enough for us! Next post we be from Monterosso. Until then...Ciao!
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