Friday, August 7, 2009


Everyone but Shelly fell asleep on the train to Florence and thank goodness she stayed awake because she woke us up just in time to get ready to get off of the train. We caught a short ride to the Westin and change for dinner. We made reservations for Mama Gina's trattoria. We had pasta, chicken parm, arugula & shrimp and bruschetta. We all had a good laugh when Tony mentioned that it was a TSP (Tuscan stretch pants) meal. Everything was great but we had to pass on desert, we were just to full. We all had a good laugh when Tony mentioned that it was a TSP (Tuscan stretch pants) meal. What we needed was a long walk so we walked over to the Uffizi and Accadamia area. After a while the kids decided to go on a gelato hunt. Shelly's GPA kicked in and she found her favorite place without missing a turn. Of course Shelly got the riso (rice) gelato that she hasn't been able to find anywhere else since 2006. We then headed home to rest our feet for tomorrow. Bonaserra.
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