Sunday, August 16, 2009

Frankfurt to Detroit

We woke up at 7 at the Frankfurt airport Sheraton and got ourselves together for the trip home. Before we left we stopped back at the lounge for breakfast and mimosas! We grapped our bags and had to go to the tickedt counter because Tony couldn't get all of us checked in online. Going to a ticket counter at a international airport is typically a pain and this one was no different. After the ticket counter we had to go through a customs screening and then through a security screening. When Tony went through the metal detector the alarm went off but he had no metal on him. We joked that he got stopped because of the 2 day "terrorist beard" once he got wanded and patted down, which he kind of enjoyed we headed to our gate for yet another line and another screening.

We got in line to board the train and just as we where handing over our boarding passes our name was called over the intercom. We were advised to go to the counter which was yet another line. The good news is that Tony got upgrade however he couldn't get Shelly upgraded. We thought this would be ok because it would open up a seat in the row we were reserved for but they ended up assigning Tony's seat to a big German guy. The plane left on time and arrived on time. We got in line a US customs but we were behind and Asian family of 6 which took forever. We eventually made it out of the airport and we are officially back!

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